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7 Tips (and Oopsies to Avoid) When Selling Your Maltese Home

Ah, selling your home in Malta – it’s like preparing for the village festa, but instead of fireworks and marching bands, you’ve got house viewings and negotiations! We understand it’s a bit of a whirlwind, so to save you from some common ‘oops’ moments, we’ve gathered pearls of wisdom from world class real estate gurus. They’re here to ensure your home-selling journey is as smooth as a traditional ħobża biż-żejt.

Here’s a playful peek at some often-overlooked details in the home-selling saga (and how to fix them quicker than you can say “Mela!”)

1. The Power of First Impressions


Just like the warm welcome at a local festa, the first view of your home sets the tone for potential buyers. Consider what greets them as they approach – is there a touch of Maltese charm you can add? Ensuring the driveway and garden are spruced up, and the front door looks inviting is crucial. You want to capture their interest right from the get-go.

Vaughan Schofield, the brains behind Belvoir Wrexham, believes: “A viewer’s decision about a property often happens in the blink of an eye – within the first 20 to 30 seconds of their visit. That’s why the appearance of your front area, from the driveway to the door, is more significant than you might think. It’s possible to win or lose a buyer’s heart before they even step inside.”

Echoing this sentiment, Hannah Towers from Armitstead Barnett in Lancashire notes: “Never underestimate the impact of first impressions. A little bit of landscaping, perhaps reminiscent of a Maltese spring, along with a neat driveway and a welcoming entrance can really help in painting your property as someone’s ideal home.”

2. Keep Clutter Out of the Limelight


Think of your home like a Maltese town square during festa season – lively but organized. It’s essential to strike a balance; you don’t want rooms that feel as bare as the walls of Mdina, yet a tidy, more minimalist approach helps buyers imagine their own belongings in the space. “It’s the structure and potential of the property that buyers are interested in,” Hannah points out.

As Hannah suggests, “Before the photographers arrive, tuck away personal items. This not only presents your home as a versatile space but also visually expands it.”

And if you’re grappling with an excess of knick-knacks or furniture? “Consider short-term storage solutions,” advises Lee Koffman, Director & Head of Residential Sales at Robert Irving Burns. This way, potential buyers aren’t overwhelmed and can better appreciate the space and possibilities of your home.

3. Selling a Home, Not Just a Property


Selling your home is akin to sharing a piece of Malta’s heart and soul, not just transferring bricks and mortar. As buyers step into your home, they’re picturing their future life there, much like envisioning themselves at a cozy family gathering in a traditional Maltese farmhouse.

Lee Koffman emphasizes, “It’s more than a simple transaction. Buyers are seeking a connection, a place that resonates with them on a personal level. It’s crucial for sellers to engage with the emotional aspects that make a house a home.”

Is it a particularly chilly day? Why not show off your efficient heating system? Let your home exude the warmth of a sunny day in Valletta.

Lee adds, “Warmth greeting buyers from the entrance sets a welcoming tone. It allows them to envision a home where they can relax and find comfort. After all, nobody wants to be greeted by the chill of a winter’s day in a prospective home.”

4. Embrace the Season in Your Home Presentation

Just as you would adapt to Malta’s seasonal festivities, ensure your home reflects the time of year it’s being shown. Tailoring your space to the season is key in creating an inviting atmosphere. For example, if it’s the season when the island basks in the warmth of the Mediterranean sun and outdoor living is at its finest, arrange your outdoor seating area. This gesture allows potential buyers to envision the delightful summer evenings they could spend there, much like enjoying a leisurely evening on a Valletta terrace.

5. Avoid Over-the-Top Renovations Before Selling


Just like you wouldn’t overhaul an entire festa float right before the parade, it’s not wise to embark on costly renovations just before putting your home on the market. Chances are, these big changes won’t boost your sale price significantly, and they might even be altered by the new owners, much like how a festa decoration might be repurposed for another celebration.

Donald Young, a seasoned consultant at James Agent, advises, “Certainly fix what needs fixing – a broken tile or a leaky tap. However, shelling out a fortune for a brand new kitchen or bathroom just before selling isn’t the best move. You want your home to be like a perfectly prepared pastizzi – appealing, but not overdone.”

Remember, it’s the minor repairs and touch-ups that often make the most difference in presenting your home for viewings and photography.

6. Keep Pets Out of the Spotlight


Just like at a Maltese village festa where the focus should be on the band and not the roaming cats, during house viewings, pets should take a backstage role. While some visitors might not be keen on pets, others could become so enamored with your furry friend that they forget to admire your home. After all, you’re not looking to include your pet in the sale!

Donald Young advises, “It’s best to keep pets out of sight during viewings. As much as they might be loved, they can distract potential buyers from appreciating your home. We’ve even had instances where the presence of a pet became more memorable than the house itself!”

7. Showcase Your Home’s Highlights

Do you have a kitchen bathed in Mediterranean sunlight, or an office with a view that rivals the Grand Harbour? Vaughan Schofield of Belvoir Wrexham suggests, “Ensure your home’s star features are well-presented. It’s like the fireworks at a festa – they should capture attention and leave a lasting impression.”

Not every corner of your home may be picture-perfect, but emphasizing its unique aspects is key. Vaughan adds, “Every home, like every festa, has its own character. Play to your home’s strengths to make a lasting impact on potential buyers.”

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